Established in 1991, C.S. Caulkins Co., Inc. is an engineering consulting firm specializing exclusively in façade access. Our “Façade Access” projects include window cleaning systems, unscheduled maintenance equipment, exterior building maintenance (EBM), skylight washing, fall protection considerations, and much more.
With over 900 successful projects across the United States, we are confident in our expertise developed thru experience. We are particularly proud to have done the tallest building in the country, the iconic One World Center, Freedom Tower, NYC. The tower-top BMU replacement project was so successful that the building next hired us to guide them thru the retrofit of their system that services the lower portions of the tower.

The company’s founder, Craig S. Caulkins, participated in the window cleaning equipment industry since 1982. In 1991 Cal-
In 2009, Mr. Caulkins began recruiting Jason M. Moore, P.E. to become his successor. Mr. Moore officially began working in the industry in 2011 and in 2022, took over as President and CEO. Mr. Moore is a member of the ASME A120.1 National Safety Standards Committee and has participated in multiple Cal OSHA Advisory Committee meetings.
As a small consulting company, the C.S. Caulkins Co., Inc. takes pride in our thorough and extensive knowledge of the facade access industry as well as our ability to provide expert engineering information to our customers in a timely manner. It is with this confidence that we look forward to serving your unique needs.